We have been pressing apples for juice since 2002. What started as a hobby gradually became an obsession!
Apple Picking

Apples are collected by hand-picking to ensure good quality fruit is used. Crates and baskets are filled and transported to the pressing area using our 1960 MF35 tractor.
Pressing the Apples
All the fruit is washed and visually inspected before being milled and pressed in our Voran rack and cloth press. The extracted juice is stored in settling tanks overnight. One pressing yields about 75 litres of juice. Natural oxidization in the air gives the juice a golden brown colour; nothing is added to change this.

Bottling and Pasteurisation
After settling, the juice is siphoned off to a semi-automatic two bottle filler. The bottles are then pasteurised. The flavour is determined by the variety; Ashmeads Kernel is rich and sweet, Discovery has a hint of strawberry while Sandlin Duchess is sharp with a definite tang.